Anonymous leaks personal data hacked from UN climate site

The United Nations confirmed Thursday reports that activist group Anonymous leaked personal data from some 1,400 people using its climate website, as the world gathered in Paris to craft a climate rescue pact.

Selfies to undersea cables: Big Data displayed in London

From posting on social networks and online shopping to sending emails and instant messages, we are producing more data than ever, prompting a new exhibition in London to explore the dangers and possibilities of this information ...

US ends bulk collection of phone data

The US government has halted its controversial program to collect vast troves of information from Americans' phone calls, a move prompted by the revelations of former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden.

UK to double funding to fight cyber-attacks

Britain on Tuesday said it will double its investment in cyber-security to counter threats including from the Islamic State group, in the wake of the Paris attacks claimed by IS.

Attacks revive debate on encryption, surveillance

The deadly Paris attacks have reignited debate on encrypted communications by terror cells and whether law enforcement and intelligence services are "going dark" in the face of new technologies.

US court allows last month of phone spying program

An appeals court Thursday upheld the US government's systematic surveillance of American telephone calls for the duration of a Congress-approved transition period that expires next month.

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