The 'splinternet' may be the future of the web

Both The Economist and WIRED are worried about the "splinternet". The UK research organisation NESTA thinks it could "break up" the world wide web as we know it.

At hacker summit, a new focus on preventing brazen attacks

Against a backdrop of cyberattacks that have grown into full-fledged sabotage, Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos brought a sobering message Wednesday to hackers and security experts at the Black Hat conference.

Why politically motivated cyberattacks might be the new normal

An international cyberattack struck parts of Europe, Asia, and the United States on Tuesday, crippling tens of thousands of computers at banks, hospitals, and government offices worldwide. Initial analysis found that the ...

Georgia official discounts threat of exposed voter records

After a researcher notified officials of a major security lapse at the center managing Georgia's election technology, leading computer scientists urged the state's top elections official to order a thorough outside probe ...

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