Nanofiber membranes transformed into 3-D scaffolds

In the movie "Transformers," cars morph into robots, jets or a variety of machinery. A similar concept inspired a group of researchers to combine gas foaming, which is a blend of chemicals that induces gas bubbling, and 3-D ...

Spider combs tame unruly nanofibers

Cribellate spiders spin thousands of tiny nanofibers into sticky threads. To keep from getting caught in their own webs, these spiders use a nonstick comb on their back legs. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Nano ...

Exciting apparatus helps atoms see the light

Researchers in the Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have generated Rydberg atoms—unusually large excited atoms—near ...

Improved 3-D nanoprinting technique to build nanoskyscrapers

Nanowalls, nanobridges, nano "jungle gyms": It could seem like the description of a Lilliputian village, but these are actual 3-D-printed components with potential applications in nanoelectronics, smart materials and biomedical ...

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