Global agency reconsiders '.xxx' for porn sites

(AP) -- A global Internet oversight agency is reopening discussions about whether to create a ".xxx" domain name as an online red-light district where porn sites can set up shop away from the wandering eyes of children and ...

Registration begins for .xxx Internet porn domain

Pornography dealers can start registering on the industry's own exclusive .xxx web domain on Wednesday following its approval by an international regulatory body earlier this year, the domain operator said.

Rosetta Stone sues Google over trademark

Rosetta Stone, a language-learning software producer, on Friday filed a federal lawsuit against Google for infringing its trademark through Google's AdWords online advertising program.

China Internet hit by 'largest ever' attack

China has been hit by the "largest ever" attack on its Internet structure, crashing the country's .cn servers, according to a government-linked agency.

Multilingual web address system approved

The nonprofit body that oversees Internet addresses approved Friday the use of Hebrew, Hindi, Korean and other scripts not based on Latin characters in a decision that could make the Web dramatically more inclusive.

Internet domain name expansion comes under fire

A plan to expand the number of Internet domain names came under fire in the US Congress on Thursday, a day after the head of the Federal Trade Commission said it could potentially be a "disaster."

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