11 charged in US crackdown on online poker

Eleven people have been charged with bank fraud, money laundering, illegal gambling and other offenses in a crackdown on the three largest online poker companies operating in the United States.

Hack attacks, explained

Computer network hackers calling themselves the Syrian Electronic Army earlier this week disrupted The New York Times' website for nearly a day and electronic publishing on the Twitter social network for several hours. Also ...

New study reveals best words for brand slogans

A new study from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), the University of Missouri and the University of Arizona has uncovered the word properties that make slogans effective, as the researchers found that the attributes ...

Internet name 'revolution' hits doubts

The body that polices Internet registrations will on Thursday launch a domain name "revolution" in the face of the concerns of global bodies ranging from the United Nations to the US Congress.

Confusion on Internet future after UN treaty split

The freewheeling, unregulated Internet seemed to survive a push for new rules at a UN treaty meeting, but the collapse of talks leaves unanswered questions about the Web's future.

Time zone database has new home after lawsuit

The organization in charge of the Internet's address system is taking over a database widely used by computers and websites to keep track of time zones around the world.

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