Internet ".xxx" district opens to website makers

An Internet version of a red light district opened on Tuesday as Web addresses with ".xxx" endings became available for purchase by those interested in providing online adult content.

Internet set for change with non-English addresses

(AP) -- The Internet is set to undergo one of the biggest changes in its four-decade history with the expected approval this week of international domain names - or addresses - that can be written in languages other than ...

Researchers devise new method of detecting botnets

( -- With the threat of Botnets increasing, researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University have devised a new method to detect their activity.

Some brand names are music to our ears, research shows

If you're having a bad day, you may want to stay away from listening to commercials for Lululemon or Coca Cola. Or from any retailer or merchandise whose name bears a similarly repetitive phonetic sound.

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