Uncovering the secret of insulin growth factor ternary complex

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) is a hormone that greatly influences growth in fetuses and children, but also body maintenance and metabolism in adults. IGF regulates cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival by ...

Pig stress syndrome linked to gene defect

Undergoing surgery, even a minor procedure, can be stressful for anyone. But for people who have malignant hyperthermia, a hereditary disease that's triggered by certain drugs used for general anesthesia, it can also be dangerous.

New mechanism to fight multi-resistant bacteria revealed

In recent years, scientists, clinicians and pharmaceutical companies have struggled to find new antibiotics or alternative strategies against multi-drug resistant bacteria that represent a serious public health problem. In ...

Defect in transport system causes DNA chaos in red blood cells

Within all our cells lies two meters of DNA, highly ordered in a structure of less than 10 micro meters in diameter. Special proteins called histones act as small building bricks, organising our DNA in this structure. Preservation ...

Using math to calculate the path of cancer

Biologists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) are using a mathematical approach developed in CSHL Assistant Professor David McCandlish's lab to find solutions to a diverse set of biological problems. Originally created ...

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