New component of a plant steroid-activated pathway discovered

Plant biologists have been working for years to nail down the series of chemical signals that one class of plant hormones, called brassinosteroids, send from a protein on the surface of a plant cell to the cell's nucleus. ...

US scientists sound alarm over animal research

Scientists who use monkeys, mice and dogs for research on human diseases fear that the US government is restructuring the massive National Institutes of Health in a way that could slash their funding.

Huntington's disease discovery provides new hope for treatment

Australian scientists have identified the behaviour of the mutant protein 'huntingtin' which leads to the fatal Huntington's disease providing potential targets to treat the disease, a University of Melbourne study reveals.

Hormone clue to root growth

( -- Plant roots provide the crops we eat with water, nutrients and anchorage. Understanding how roots grow and how hormones control that growth is crucial to improving crop yields, which will be necessary to ...

Researchers give mutants another chance

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center have demonstrated that it might be possible to treat genetic diseases, including some forms of cancer, by "rescuing" the misshapen, useless proteins produced by some mutant genes.

Displacing petroleum-derived butanol with plants

As a chemical for industrial processes, butanol is used in everything from brake fluid, to paint thinners, to plastics. According to a University of Illinois researcher, butanol made from plant material could displace butanol ...

Researchers clone 'half-tendrilless' gene locus in pea mutant afila

Pea is the fourth largest edible legume crop in the world and is widely cultivated throughout the world. Several classical leaf mutants have been identified in peas, including unifoliata (uni), afila (af), tendril-less (tl), ...

Nuclear membrane Lem2 necessary for nuclear scaling

A study led by Hiroshima University finds that nuclear membrane protein Lem2 acts as a valve to control the size of the nucleus, keeping it in proportion to the size of the cell

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