Plants in space

How plants handle stress in space and what astronauts can learn from them is the subject of a new study at Michigan State University.

Aging human bodies and aging human oocytes run on different clocks

Reproductive and somatic aging use different molecular mechanisms that show little overlap between the types of genes required to keep oocytes healthy and the genes that generally extend life span, according to Coleen Murphy, ...

Researchers discover new way to form extracellular vesicles

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have discovered a protein called TAT-5 that affects the production of extracellular vesicles, small sacs of membrane released from the surface of cells, capable of sending signals ...

On guard against drought

Identification of a gene that helps plants to conserve water under drought conditions will bring biologists closer to understanding how plants tolerate drought. Researchers, led by Takashi Kuromori at Japan's RIKEN Plant ...

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