A whole-body approach to understanding chemosensory cells

Growing evidence shows that sensory cells which enable us to taste sweetness, bitterness and savoriness (umami) are not limited to the tongue. These so-called Trpm5-expressing chemosensory cells are also found in the respiratory ...

Scanner for paintings turns out to be promising new CSI tool

A research collaborative has introduced a new method for detecting hard-to-find and concealed forensic traces. This work was officially published today in Scientific Reports and is based on scanning macro x-ray fluorescence ...

How multiple star systems evolve

Sirius is not a single star at all, but a binary system of two stars. Polaris, the north star, is actually a system of three stars. And Castor, in the constellation of Gemini, actually consists of a whopping six stars. Current ...

Japan scientists grow drugs in chicken eggs

Japanese researchers have genetically engineered hens whose eggs contain drugs that can fight serious diseases including cancer, in a bid to dramatically reduce the cost of treatment, a report said Monday.

Splashdown! Crashing into martian mud

An impactor smashing into an ice-rich surface gave rise to the complex flow features around this ancient crater on Mars.

Scientists list 50 terms you may be confusing

Should you punish a disobedient child, or try negative reinforcement? Is your shy new colleague antisocial or asocial? And which is worse: a prejudiced boss or a discriminatory one?

S. Korean court says worker's rare disease linked to Samsung

South Korea's Supreme Court said a former worker in a Samsung LCD factory who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis should be recognized as having an occupationally caused disease, overturning lower court verdicts that held ...

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