Related topics: traumatic brain injury

Australian state lists koala as 'vulnerable'

Australia's Queensland state will list the koala as a "vulnerable species" throughout the northeastern region, saying urban expansion, car accidents and dog attacks were threatening the much-loved furry animal.

Solar-powered safety: Road signs blink their warnings

Across New Jersey, more towns are using solar-powered warning signs, capitalizing on the technology's effectiveness to inform the public, warn motorists of danger and save energy.

US shutdown keeps new planes grounded

New airplanes are grounded, investigations of fatal air and car crashes are going undone and scientific studies dependent on government funding have ground to a halt because of the partial government shutdown now in its second ...

Can we predict when and where rock will fall?

( -- Falling rock shatters the tranquillity of Yosemite National Park about every 10 days, and occasionally leads to fatalities. What forces trigger a rockfall? Are there precursor signals that one is imminent? ...

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Traffic collision

A traffic collision is when a road vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or geographical or architectural obstacle. Traffic collisions can result in injury, property damage, and death.

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