'Robin Hood effects' on motivation in math

Students from families with little interest in math benefit more from a school intervention program that aims at increasing math motivation than do students whose parents regard math as important. A study by researchers at ...

Social cues are key to vocal learning in birds and babies

When a baby bird learns a song, is it simply mimicking and practicing its father's tune? Or do chicks learn by first putting out nonsensical sounds – akin to a human infant's babble – which they then build upon based ...

Fostering motivation could keep marginalized girls in school

Education—and girls' education in particular—is often cited as one of the key pathways out of poverty, but in many parts of the world women and girls still face significant barriers that prevent them from attending school. ...

Employee recognition programs can reduce firm-level productivity

More than 80 percent of companies use award programs like "Employee of the Month" and "Top Sales Club" to motivate employees and increase performance. While the conventional wisdom is that such awards are cheap and can provide ...

Paying off small debts first may get you in the black quicker

In debt and don't know what to do? Conventional economic wisdom says to pay off high-interest loans first. Yet according to a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research, paying off your smallest debts first can provide ...

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