Related topics: species

Parasitoid larvae in caterpillars affect behaviour of moths

( -- Parasitoid larvae that feed within caterpillars that eat cabbage plants influence the plant via the caterpillar, making the cabbage plant an unattractive prospect for moths looking for a spot to lay their ...

Bats give French winegrowers a helping hand in moth war

Hungry moths are the bane of French wine growers' lives due to their ferocious ability to feast on vines, but producers have discovered an unexpected ally in their fight against the insects: bats.

Male moth 'aphrodisiac' revealed

North Carolina State University researchers have identified the specific blend of pheromone chemicals—including a newly revealed aphrodisiac—used by male moths during courtship as they attempt to entice females to mate.

Moth ears are activated by movement the size of an atom

( -- Moths are so finely tuned to the ultrasonic calls of predatory bats that the nerve cells in their ears are activated by displacements of the eardrum the size of a small atom, according to new research from ...

Luna moth's long tail could confuse bat sonar through its twist

The long hindwing tails sported by many moths have long been suspected as a strategy to confound predators. The moths are active mainly at night, so they don't need a visual disguise. They need to avoid nocturnal hunters ...

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