NASA Orion capsule safely blazes back from moon, aces test

NASA's Orion capsule made a blisteringly fast return from the moon Sunday, parachuting into the Pacific off Mexico to conclude a test flight that should clear the way for astronauts on the next lunar flyby.

Still no trace of missing Indian moon lander: NASA

A NASA satellite orbiting the Moon passed over the site where the Indian probe Vikram should have made touchdown earlier this month, but didn't see the missing lander, the US space agency said.

Lunar night puts Japan's lander back to sleep

After a brief awakening, Japan's moon lander is out of action again but will resume its mission if it survives the two-week lunar night, the space agency said Thursday.

Japan 'Moon Sniper' lands but 'not generating power'

Japan on Saturday became only the fifth nation to achieve a soft Moon landing, but the craft's long-term fate was in doubt after space agency officials said its solar cells were not generating power.

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