Plant scientists find recipe for anti-cancer compound in herbs

Thyme and oregano possess an anti-cancer compound that suppresses tumor development, but adding more to your tomato sauce isn't enough to gain significant benefit. The key to unlocking the power of these plants is in amplifying ...

Discovery could lead to new fungicides to protect rice crops

A fungus that plagues rice crops worldwide gains entry to plant cells in a way that leaves it vulnerable to simple chemical blockers, a discovery that could lead to new fungicides to reduce the substantial annual losses of ...

Study finds copper key to more efficient biomass breakdown

Nonfood, plant-based biofuels have potential as a green alternative to fossil fuels, but the enzymes required for production are too inefficient and costly to produce. However, new research published in Chemical Science is ...

Insight into enzyme's 3-D structure could cut biofuel costs

Using neutron crystallography, a Los Alamos research team has mapped the three-dimensional structure of a protein that breaks down polysaccharides, such as the fibrous cellulose of grasses and woody plants, a finding that ...

'Shark molecule' protects cholesterol enzyme from destruction

A team of scientists have shown in cell lines that a key cholesterol synthesis enzyme—squalene monooxygenase (SM) – is controlled by the levels of its target molecule, squalene. The findings, published in international ...

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