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US attorney general defends Dotcom prosecution

US Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday denied allegations from Kim Dotcom that the prosecution against the Internet tycoon was launched to appease Hollywood moguls concerned about online piracy.

Why parents should teach their kids to give

Financial education often stresses the importance of earning and saving, but new research suggests that one of the most valuable lessons parents can teach their children about money might be how to appropriately give it away.

Wealthfront lets regular folks invest like the rich

Startup Wealthfront has revamped its online service to give middle- and lower-income people in the United States investment tools typically reserved for the rich to make profit on their money.

More 'McBang' for your 'McBuck'

McDonald's seems recession-proof, its profitability apparently untouched by the newest economic crisis to hit America. Though the average family may not be able to eat out in style, they can afford a Dollar Menu double cheeseburger ...

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