Researchers make progress toward solving the proton spin puzzle

Scientists in a research group led by Constantia Alexandrou, professor of physics at the University of Cyprus and the Cyprus Institute, made a crucial step towards solving a three-decades-old puzzle: They have successfully ...

'Perfect liquid' quark-gluon plasma is the most vortical fluid

Particle collisions recreating the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) that filled the early universe reveal that droplets of this primordial soup swirl far faster than any other fluid. The new analysis of data from the Relativistic ...

It's never too cold for quantum

The peculiar characteristics demonstrated by quantum critical points at absolute zero remain one of the great unsolved mysteries of science.

Chasing invisible particles at the ATLAS Experiment

Cosmological and astrophysical observations based on gravitational interactions indicate that the matter described by the Standard Model of particle physics constitutes only a small fraction of the entire known universe. ...

Shedding light on galaxy rotation secrets

The dichotomy concerns the so-called angular momentum (per unit mass) that in physics is a measure of size and rotation velocity. Spiral galaxies are found to be strongly rotating, with an angular momentum higher by a factor ...

Helically twisted photonic crystal fibres

Photonic crystal fibres (PCF) are strands of glass, not much thicker than a human hair, with a lattice of hollow channels running along the fibre. If they are continuously twisted in their production, they resemble a multi-helix. ...

Spin currents switch at terahertz frequencies

The technology of spintronics is based on the intrinsic spin of electrons. In the medium term, it is set to replace electronics as the basis for technical devices. DESY scientist Lars Bocklage has discovered a new way of ...

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