How bacteria turbocharged their motors

Using detailed 3-D images, researchers have shown how bacteria have evolved molecular motors of different powers to optimize their swimming.

All-in-one repair kit makes CRISPR gene editing more precise

For the past five years, CRISPR-Cas9 technology has revolutionized the field of gene editing due to its ease and low cost. But although this technology reliably finds and cuts the targeted stretch of DNA sequence, fixing ...

How molecular scissors cut in the right place

A research group at Uppsala University has found out how CRISPR-Cas9—also known as 'molecular scissors'—can search the genome for a specific DNA sequence. Cas9 already has many applications in biotechnology and is also ...

Sequencing poisonous mushrooms to potentially create medicine

A team of Michigan State University scientists has genetically sequenced two species of poisonous mushrooms, discovering that they can theoretically produce billions of compounds through one molecular assembly line. This ...

Amino acid sequences are key to the properties of silks

Although mankind has been using silk for millennia, many aspects of its properties and molecular structure remain unknown. Now, a new study from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan reveals that ...

NASA's twins study explores space through you

NASA's Human Research Program is releasing the first half of a video series entitled Omics: Exploring Space Through You to highlight its Twins Study, in conjunction with its National DNA Day Reddit Ask Me Anything event at ...

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