Related topics: cells · cancer · cancer cells · protein

Secrets of a little-known cancer ally revealed

Human cancers often have a little recognized ally— the increased size and number of a cell's organelles called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is where ribosomes, the cellular protein factories, are made. Ribosomes can also ...

The protective layer of prehistoric land plants

An international research team has discovered a biochemical pathway that is responsible for the development of moss cuticles. These waxy coverings of epidermal cells are the outer layer of plants and protect them from water ...

Scientists show how cells communicate

Primary cilia are antenna-like structures present on the surface of most cells in the human body. The cilia are essential mediators of communication between cell types in the body. If the cilia are defective, this communication ...

Biologists zero in on role of plasticity in evolution

For more than a century, scientists have suggested that the best way to settle the debate about how phenotypic plasticity—the way an organism changes in response to environment—may be connected to evolution would be to ...

Chance determines cell death or normal sugar consumption

Some cells fail by chance, and not due to a genetic defect, to properly initiate the molecular processes for the breakdown of sugar. These cells are unable to grow and subsequently die. This discovery was done by a multidisciplinary ...

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