3D maps of diseased tissues at subcellular precision

Researchers in the Systems Biology Lab of Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky, at the Max Delbrück Center, have developed a spatial transcriptomics platform, called Open-ST, that enables scientists to reconstruct gene expression ...

Researchers demonstrate control of living cells with electronics

E. coli bacteria and an electronic device might seem to have little in common, but in a recent experiment, University of Maryland researchers linked them into the first closed-loop system able to communicate across the technological–biological ...

CRISPR off-switches: A path towards safer genome engineering?

Using CRISPR, an immune system bacteria use to protect themselves from viruses, scientists have harnessed the power to edit genetic information within cells. In fact, the first CRISPR-based therapeutic was recently approved ...

Generating stable qubits at room temperature

A group of researchers reports that they have achieved quantum coherence at room temperature, which is the ability of a quantum system to maintain a well-defined state over time without getting affected by surrounding disturbances

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