The self-improvement of lithium-ion batteries

(—The search for clean and green energy in the 21st century requires a better and more efficient battery technology. The key to attaining that goal may lie in designing and building batteries not from the top down, ...

What a ride! Researchers take molecules for a spin (w/ Video)

( -- Kolomeisky and Rice graduate student Alexey Akimov have taken a large step toward defining the behavior of these molecular whirligigs with a new paper in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Physical ...

Water acts as catalyst in explosives

The most abundant material on Earth exhibits some unusual chemical properties when placed under extreme conditions.

Biophysicists decipher functionality of adrenaline-binding receptor

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are found throughout the human body and are involved in many complex signaling pathways. Despite their importance in many biological processes, the central mechanism of G protein-coupling ...

Structure and function of new lysosome transporter revealed

Researchers have revealed the structure and function of a previously unknown lysosome transporter. The groups of Christian Löw (CSSB, EMBL Hamburg), Markus Damme (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel), and Bruno Gasnier (CNRS ...

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