Study elucidates taxonomy and habit evolution of Ainsliaea genus

As the largest genus in the subfamily Pertyoideae of the sunflower family (Asteraceae), Ainsliaea is widely distributed in East Asia and the Himalayas, playing a key role in various plant communities with significant ecological ...

How scientists build rotatory machines with molecules

Machines have evolved to meet the demands of daily life and industrial use, with molecular-scale devices often exhibiting improved functionalities and mechanical movements. However, mastering the control of mechanics within ...

By listening, scientists learn how a protein folds

By converting their data into sounds, scientists discovered how hydrogen bonds contribute to the lightning-fast gyrations that transform a string of amino acids into a functional, folded protein.

Water molecule discovery contradicts textbook models

Textbook models will need to be re-drawn after a team of researchers found that water molecules at the surface of salt water are organized differently than previously thought.

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