Scientists working on next-gen nanocars

Nanomechanics at Rice University and the University of Houston are getting ready to rev their engines for the second international Nanocar Race.

Analyzing mol­e­c­u­lar struc­tures in more de­tail

Chemistry and structural biology use the standard methods of NMR spectroscopy (NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance) to examine the structure of molecules including large molecules like proteins in solution. The NMR active nuclei, ...

Sustainable chemistry at the quantum level

Developing catalysts for sustainable fuel and chemical production requires a kind of Goldilocks Effect—some catalysts are too ineffective while others are too uneconomical. Catalyst testing also takes a lot of time and ...

Pushing the limits of 2-D supramolecules

Scientists at the University of South Florida have reached a new milestone in the development of two-dimensional supramolecules—the building blocks that make areas of nanotechnology and nanomaterial advancement possible.

In-situ chemistry studies for µSR

Because of the chemical analogy between muonium (a bound muon-electron system) and hydrogen, the muon technique offers a valuable method for exploring many mechanisms in chemistry and chemical physics. The technique provides ...

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