Composite crew module encounters space vacuum

( -- This week, engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., moved a Composite Crew Module (CCM) into the Environmental Test Facility vacuum chamber to gauge how well a space structure fabricated ...

NASA conducts tests on Orion service module

( -- Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are testing parts of the Orion service module to ensure the spacecraft can withstand the harsh realities of deep space missions.

Navigating the shopping center

With a GPS receiver in your smartphone, you can navigate your way over highways and streets with certainty. But once you get inside a building, it provides no further assistance. That’s why Fraunhofer researchers, together ...

To DDR3: Thanks for the memory but time for DDR4

( -- Micron Technology is polishing up its DDR4 memory modules, “sampling” the modules and getting feedback from major customers. The company plans to reach volume production later this year. In brief, ...

Space Image: Gumdrop meets Spider

( -- This image, taken on March 6, 1969, shows the Apollo 9 Command and Service Modules docked with the Lunar Module.

Space Image: Apollo 15 - Follow the tracks

( -- The Apollo 15 Lunar Module (LM) Falcon set down on the Hadley plains (26.132°N, 3.634°E) a mere 2 kilometers from Hadley Rille.

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