Panasonic HIT photovoltaic cells demonstrate high PID resistance

Panasonic Corporation today announced that its HIT photovoltaic module's high-level of resistance to potential induced degradation (PID) has been verified by the results of tests conducted within and outside the company. ...

Gaia's instruments installed and ready for testing

(—The payload module of ESA's billion-star surveyor Gaia is integrated and ready for the next stage of rigorous testing it must undergo before launch next year. Once in space, Gaia will make precise measurements ...

Silicon carbide solutions to solar challenges revealed

STMicroelectronics is revealing innovations in silicon carbide devices at Solar Power International (SPI) 2012 that enable systems producers to build ultra-efficient electronics for converting raw solar energy into grid-quality ...

China to land first moon probe next year (Update)

China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan to put a man on the moon.

Anti-aging elixir for solar cells

Photovoltaic modules deliver power without risks to the environment and climate. But solar-power is expensive. Therefore, it is imperative that the modules last as long as possible, 25 years or more. Fraunhofer researchers ...

Orion test flight: A look at SLS hardware, integration

( -- When NASA conducts its first test launch of the Orion spacecraft in 2014, the crew module's designers will record invaluable data about its performance -- from launch and flight, to re-entry and landing.

NASA's 'Webb-Cam' has double vision for MIRI's arrival

( -- NASA's special "Webb-cam," the camera in a giant clean room at NASA Goddard, now has "double vision," because there are two video cameras now focusing on what's happening with the very first completed instrument ...

China set to launch bigger space programme

China will deploy bigger spacecraft for longer missions following the success of its Shenzhou-9 voyage, allowing it to build a manned space station and potentially put a man on the moon, experts said.

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