Mitochondrial cooperatives

Mitochondria, the organelles that supply the cell with energy, are highly dynamic and can link up to form complex tubular networks. A new study shows that this response can transiently compensate for a shortfall in energy ...

Biochemists discover 'parking position' of fat-burning enzymes

Fat is a curse and a blessing at the same time. While we would rather not have any fat deposits on our body, especially in summer, accumulated fats in plants are desirable as they make them especially nutritious. Biochemists ...

Irrigation's impact on clouds and climate

With the simple act of watering a plant, humans alter the balance of moisture in soil and the climate. Atmospheric scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory included irrigation in a climate model and found that ...

Panel calls for protecting world's largest forest

At least half of Canada's 1.4 billion acre boreal forest, the largest remaining intact wilderness on Earth, must be protected to maintain the area's current wildlife and ecological systems, according to a report by an international ...

A micro-optical method for thwarting counterfeiting

In order to thwart forgeries, EPFL researchers propose a new miniaturized authentication system. By combining both, moire patterns and microlithography techniques, it can be easily recognized by the naked eye and impossible ...

Could planting trees in the desert mitigate climate change?

As the world starts feeling the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequent global temperature rise, researchers are looking for a Plan B to mitigate climate change. A group of German scientists has now ...

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