Team discovers how mobile ads leak personal data

The personal information of millions of smartphone users is at risk due to in-app advertising that can leak potentially sensitive user information between ad networks and mobile app developers, according to a new study by ...

Facebook plans mobile ads based on app use: report

Social networking giant Facebook plans to engage in a new type of mobile advertising based on the apps used by consumers, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday on its website.

Researchers improve fast-moving mobile networks

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) allow people in multiple, rapidly-moving vehicles to communicate with each other – such as in military or emergency-response situations. Researchers from North Carolina State University ...

FTC clears Google purchase of mobile ad service (Update)

(AP) -- Federal regulators have approved Google Inc.'s $750 million acquisition of the mobile ad service AdMob despite worries that the deal will enable Google to extend its dominance of Internet marketing into the nascent ...

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