Observing microscopic transformations of electrocatalyst surfaces

Developing technologies that can convert CO2 into synthetic fuels and base chemicals is of key importance for reaching climate goals. The electrochemical reduction of CO2 at copper electrodes using electric power from renewable ...

Circulation of water in deep Earth's interior

Phase H is a hydrous mineral that is considered to be an important carrier of water into deep Earth. We determined the dissociation condition of phase H by a theoretical calculation based on quantum mechanics. Phase H decomposes ...

Ultrasound puts water back in the Murray Darling

You may not be able to squeeze blood out of a stone but, by applying the right amount of ultrasound during processing, Jianhua (Jason) Du and colleagues from the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and ...

Space telescope detects water in a number of asteroids

Using the infrared satellite AKARI, a Japanese research team has detected the existence of water in the form of hydrated minerals in a number of asteroids for the first time. This discovery will contribute to the understanding ...

Water treatments alone not enough to combat fluorosis in Ethiopia

Increased intake of dietary calcium may be key to addressing widespread dental health problems faced by millions of rural residents in Ethiopia's remote, poverty-stricken Main Rift Valley, according to a new Duke University-led ...

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