Earth's lower mantle can be oxidized in the presence of water

If we took a journey from Earth's surface to the center, the midway point is roughly at 1900 km depth in the lower mantle. The lower mantle ranges from 660 to 2900 km depth and occupies 55% of our planet by volume. The chemical ...

Fresh hopes for landmark treaty to rescue ocean life

World leaders are under pressure to conclude years of talks on an agreement to protect open oceans that help sustain life on Earth, cover almost half the planet and currently fall under no country's laws.

A Drop in the Bucket

A new technique is being developed to detect water in the protoplanetary disks of other solar systems. If successful, it would help in our understanding of how habitable planets form.

Reducing algal blooms with mining by-products

CSIRO research has shown that some mining by-products can be effective in preventing nutrients from entering river systems, thereby reducing the potential for algal blooms.

Reducing water consumption in mining

Water is a vital resource on which many industries rely and which should be used more sparingly. An example is the beneficiation of mineral ores. Taking the raw material fluorite as their example, researchers at Helmholtz ...

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