Supplement aids milk production

( -- Massey University research has led to the development of a calf supplement that can increase milk yield in dairy cows by up to 12 per cent.

Veterinary researchers uncover novel amyloidosis

A collaboration led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan, has discovered a novel amyloid protein from canine mammary tumors. This amyloid protein, α-S1 casein, normally plays a vital ...

Triclosan needs to be monitored

Leipzig. Researchers from Germany and Slovakia have pointed out that the chemical triclosan is one of those particularly harmful substances for the ecological status of rivers that are still not sufficiently monitored. With ...

Dairy calves benefit from higher-protein starter feed, study says

Dairy producers know early nutrition for young calves has far-reaching impacts, both for the long-term health and productivity of the animals and for farm profitability. With the goal of increasing not just body weight but ...

Greener milk: How to make cow's nitrogen intake efficient

The amount of nitrogen that is excreted by livestock is directly proportional to the amount it is fed. This is according to Chris Reynolds a researcher in nutritional physiology of ruminants at the University of Reading, ...

94 French farms struck by new 'Schmallenberg' virus

Ninety-four farms in northern France have been hit by a novel virus, first uncovered in Germany last year, that strikes cattle, sheep and goats, a French research agency reported on Tuesday.

Research on active substances in breast milk can begin

Hundreds of unique sugars comprise the difference between cow's milk and human breast milk. Some of these sugars are already known to contribute to the baby's immune system, but until recently, more detailed research into ...

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