The unique biology of human breast milk

Humans may have the most complex breast milk of all mammals. Milk from a human mother contains more than 200 different sugar molecules, way above the average 30-50 found in, for example, mouse or cow milk. The role of each ...

Bio-based beverage cartons

Beverage cartons have already been on the market for over 100 years. The milk carton, originally entirely made of paperboard and thus 100 percent bio-based, was patented in 1915. A century later, beverage cartons are the ...

X-rays will make plant diets of the future more tasty

Imagine taking your favorite treat—a Mars bar or cream puff—and beaming it with X-rays to map out what makes it so delicious. Then, picture being able to transfer some of those magnificent qualities and tastes to healthier, ...

Limiting antibiotics for cows may create new dairy market

Consumers would be willing to buy milk from cows only treated with antibiotics when medically necessary—as long as the price isn't much higher than conventional milk, according to researchers at the College of Veterinary ...

Eminent scientist warns of global contamination risks

(—Eighty-three thousand man-made chemicals now circulate freely around the Earth, in water, soil, air, wildlife, food and manufactured goods and people, posing unquantified but genuine hazards to human and environmental ...

Using neutron scattering to better understand milk composition

Neutron scattering is a technique commonly used in physics and biology to understand the composition of complex multicomponent mixtures and is increasingly being used to study applied materials such as food. A new paper published ...

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