Cracking the genetic code for complex traits in cattle

A massive global study involving 58,000 cattle has pinpointed the genes that influence the complex genetic trait of height in cattle, opening the door for researchers to use the same approach to map high-value traits including ...

Why some humans developed a taste for milk and some didn't

Imagine a dinner party somewhere in Italy to which, as it turns out, my dad has been invited. On the menu tonight is a sliced tomato, basil and mozzarella salad, pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce topped with parmesan cheese, ...

Happy cows make more nutritious milk

Daily infusions with a chemical commonly associated with feelings of happiness were shown to increase calcium levels in the blood of Holstein cows and the milk of Jersey cows that had just given birth. The results, published ...

More healthful milk chocolate by adding peanut, coffee waste

Milk chocolate is a consumer favorite worldwide, prized for its sweet flavor and creamy texture. This confection can be found in all types of treats, but it isn't exactly health food. In contrast, dark chocolate has high ...

A climate-smart success story for African agriculture

Despite efforts made in agricultural research and extension in the past, food and nutrition security remains a major challenge in Africa. This is, among other things, due to inefficient implementation and exchange of technologies ...

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