Microplastic pollution impairs seabird gut health

Scientists have long known that wild seabirds ingest bits of plastic pollution as they feed, but a study Monday shows the tiny particles don't just clog or transit the stomach but can subvert its complex mix of good and bad ...

Study confirms that milk's packaging influences its flavor

The dairy industry strives to preserve the quality and safety of milk products while maintaining the freshest possible taste for consumers. To date, the industry has largely focused on packaging milk in light-blocking containers ...

Veterinary researchers uncover novel amyloidosis

A collaboration led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan, has discovered a novel amyloid protein from canine mammary tumors. This amyloid protein, α-S1 casein, normally plays a vital ...

Can microrobots improve the safety of dairy products?

The Staphylococcus aureus bacterium commonly causes infections in dairy cows, leading to inflammation of the udder tissue, or mastitis, and lower milk quality. In research published in the journal Small, investigators developed ...

A win, win, win for dairy production in East Africa

Adopting high yield dairy cattle breeds and improving feed would allow Tanzania to increase milk production, while reducing planet warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and alleviating poverty, a new study reveals.

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