Triclosan needs to be monitored

Leipzig. Researchers from Germany and Slovakia have pointed out that the chemical triclosan is one of those particularly harmful substances for the ecological status of rivers that are still not sufficiently monitored. With ...

Babies learn mum's unique odour

Researchers show for the first time that a mammal begins to suckle its mother's milk through a learned response built on learning her unique combination of smells. When it is born, the newborn is exposed to the smell of its ...

Dominant deer hinds choose the best food

Deer hinds (Cervus elaphus) have a hierarchical organisation system: the oldest and largest hold the most dominant positions. Therefore, a nutrient rich diet benefits the more dominant hinds, who have preferential access ...

High levels of iron in water may hurt dairy products

( -- Cows are thirsty and with good reason — they need to drink nearly 30 gallons of water a day to produce milk and stay healthy. That water needs to be high quality because much of the ingested water becomes ...

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