Related topics: europe

Study documents dramatic loss of remaining Pyrenees glaciers

Europe's southernmost glaciers will likely be reduced to ice patches in the next two decades due to climate change, as the shrinking of ice mass on the Pyrenees mountain range continues at the steady but rapid speed seen ...

137 human genomes from the Middle East fill gaps in human history

Whole-genome sequencing efforts around the world have offered important insights into human diversity, historical migrations, and the relationships between people of different regions—but scientists still don't have a complete ...

Pacific sees a 'Blood Moon' rising

Stargazers across the Pacific cast their eyes skyward on Wednesday to witness a rare "Super Blood Moon", as the heavens aligned to bring a spectacular lunar eclipse.

Stone age desert kites found in southern Africa

A team of researchers with the University of Johannesburg's Palaeo-Research Institute has found multiple instances of desert kites in a part of South Africa. In their paper published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological ...

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