Related topics: europe

Global heat extremes on the rise, study finds

Temperature extremes with altered characteristics are among the most threatening impacts of global warming. However, how their characteristics have changed is uncertain, and varies by region.

New dates for the start of Viking-age trade

Mobility shaped the human world profoundly long before the modern age. But archaeologists often struggle to create a timeline for the speed and impact of this mobility. An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Danish ...

As Earth warms, safe times for outdoor work will shrink

As heat and humidity levels rise throughout the day because of climate change, options for moving outdoor labor to cooler hours will dramatically shrink, leading to significant worldwide labor losses, a new study led by Duke ...

Experts name new species of human ancestor

An international team of researchers, led by University of Winnipeg palaeoanthropologist Dr. Mirjana Roksandic, has announced the naming of a new species of human ancestor, Homo bodoensis. This species lived in Africa during ...

A new way to remove troublesome ions from water

Converting seawater into fresh water is important in water-scarce countries. For that process, certain charged particles—known as ions—have to be removed from the water. However, some ions are difficult to remove from ...

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