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Apple's dividend heralds 'changing of the guard'

What would Steve have done? It's a question that Apple CEO Tim Cook can't escape. From the naming of the new iPad to his choice of clothing at public events, company-watchers parse Cook's every move, looking for differences ...

Microsoft sees future in Windows 8 amid iPad rise

(AP) -- Microsoft is scrambling to preserve what's left of its kingdom. Since the company released its Windows operating system in 1985, most of the sequels have been variations on the same theme. Not that it mattered much. ...

Microsoft hits Motorola, Google with EU complaint

Microsoft on Wednesday lodged a formal complaint with the European Union's competition regulator against Motorola Mobility and its soon-to-be owner Google, saying Motorola's aggressive enforcement of patent rights against ...

Taiwan's Foxconn raises wages for Chinese workers

(AP) -- Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group said Saturday that it has raised wages by up to 25 percent in the second major salary hike in less than two years, as the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer comes ...

Cisco challenges Microsoft takeover of Skype in EU

Networking company Cisco said Wednesday that it is challenging Microsoft's $8.5 billion takeover of Skype at the European Union's top court to ensure Microsoft won't block other video conferencing services.

Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe, cuts jobs

(AP) -- Nokia Corp. plans to stop assembling cell phones in Europe by year-end as it shifts production to Asia and will cut another 4,000 jobs, its latest attempts to cushion itself from stiff competition in the smartphone ...

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