Related topics: volcano

Study finds unprecedented Arctic ozone loss

( -- A NASA-led study has documented an unprecedented depletion of Earth's protective ozone layer above the Arctic last winter and spring caused by an unusually prolonged period of extremely low temperatures in ...

Study reveals economic impact of El Nino

( —El Niño has a significant impact on the world and local economies - and not always for the worst - and countries should plan ahead to mitigate its effects, according to a new Working Paper from the University ...

Opposite behaviors? Arctic sea ice shrinks, Antarctic grows

The steady and dramatic decline in the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean over the last three decades has become a focus of media and public attention. At the opposite end of the Earth, however, something more complex is happening.

Satellite reveals new views of earth at night

(—Scientists unveiled today an unprecedented new look at our planet at night. A global composite image, constructed using cloud-free night images from a new NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ...

Forecasts show growing El Niño event

Forecasts assembled by the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF predict a growing El Niño event this year.

Grim tidings from science on climate change

Scientists monitoring the Earth's climate and environment have delivered a cascade of grim news this year, adding a sense of urgency to UN talks starting Sunday in Poland on how best to draw down the greenhouse gases that ...

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