Nanosponges harvest rare cancer marker from blood

Cancer researchers have long hypothesized that tumors release small amounts of proteins that could serve as earlier diagnostic indicators of cancer, but the search for such biomarkers has been hampered by the presence of ...

Research sheds light on workings of anti-cancer drug

( -- The copper sequestering drug tetrathiomolybdate (TM) has been shown in studies to be effective in the treatment of Wilson disease, a disease caused by an overload of copper, and certain metastatic cancers. ...

Nanoparticles Detect and Purge Metastases in Lymph Nodes

Colonoscopy represents one of the great weapons against cancer. In one step, a physician can find precancerous lesions in the colon and then cut them out, an on-the-spot intervention that prevents cancer from developing. ...

Protein plays unexpected role protecting chromosome tips

A protein specialist that opens the genomic door for DNA repair and gene expression also turns out to be a multi-tasking workhorse that protects the tips of chromosomes and dabbles in a protein-destruction complex, a team ...

Protein involved in nematode stress response identified

When humans experience stress, their inner turmoil may not be apparent to an outside observer. But many animals deal with stressful circumstances—overcrowded conditions, not enough food—by completely remodeling their ...

Catching the early spread of breast cancer

When cancer spreads from one part of the body to another, it becomes even more deadly. It moves with stealth and can go undetected for months or years. But a new technology that uses "nano-flares" has the potential to catch ...

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