Chiral detection of biomolecules based on reinforcement learning

As one of the basic physical properties, chirality plays an important role in many fields. Especially in biomedical chemistry, the discrimination of enantiomers is a very important research subject. Most biomolecules exhibit ...

Metal-organic layers: Preparation and applications

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) made by bridging metal-containing nodes with organic ligands are a type of ordered porous materials. The first case of MOFs reported by Yaghi et al. in 1995 sparked a frenzy in the research ...

Synthesis of a silicon-integrated organic framework film

An international research team, led by NIMS, including Institute for Molecular Science (IMS) and Aalto University in Finland, has succeeded in synthesizing a two-dimensional silicon-integrated covalent organic framework (COF) ...

Review of nanomaterials for antiviral coatings

Antiviral coatings based on nanomaterials could help reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, according to new work in the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering. The Indian team has reviewed ...

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