Measuring metabolites in algae one cell at a time

In the search for new sources of consumables, scientists have come to realize that life itself could be the solution. Metabolic engineers have altered the metabolism of living organisms to make new drugs, biodegradables and ...

The good, the bad and their fortuitous differences

Genetic differences between two very similar fungi, one that led to Quorn, the proprietary meat substitute, and another that ranks among the world's most damaging crop pathogens, have exposed the significant features that ...

Measuring molecular interactions

ETH Zurich researchers have used a new approach to discover previously unknown interactions between proteins and small metabolic molecules in bacterial cells. The technique can also be used to test the effect of medications.

All in the family: Focused genomic comparisons

Found in microbial communities around the world, Aspergillus fungi are pathogens, decomposers, and important sources of biotechnologically-important enzymes. Each Aspergillus species is known to contain more than 250 carbohydrate ...

Real world native biocrusts: Microbial metabolism

Arid lands, which cover some 40 percent of the Earth's terrestrial surface, are too dry to sustain much in the way of vegetation. But far from being barren, they are home to diverse communities of microorganisms—including ...

A visual database of human plasma compounds

Researchers in Japan have created a database of metabolites from blood samples collected from over 5,000 Japanese volunteers, making it freely available online as a valuable resource for researchers around the world.

Toxic genetic material's origins discovered

Colibactin, a toxic agent produced by gut bacteria, including certain strains of E. Coli, and thought to contribute to colon cancer, is assembled via a chemical transformation never seen before, according to Northwestern ...

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