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High-resolution lithography for nanoporous thin films

Researchers at KU Leuven (Belgium) developed a high-resolution lithography process to pattern metal-organic framework (MOF) films. This work, published in Nature Materials, will speed up the integration of these materials ...

Citizens themselves contribute to political mistrust

The study by the Department of Political Science at Aarhus BSS shows that the growing trust crisis observed in many Western democracies in recent decades cannot merely be attributed to news criteria from the media and prioritization ...

Researchers create a single-molecule switch

A team of researchers has demonstrated for the first time a single-molecule electret—a device that could be one of the keys to molecular computers.

Scientists take a 'spin' onto magnetoresistive RAM

Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) is the top candidate for next-generation digital technology. However, manipulating MRAM efficiently and effectively is challenging. An interdisciplinary research team based at ...

RNA information transfer could be used in repairing DNA

Genomes are routinely subjected to DNA damage. But most cells have DNA repair systems that enforce genome stability and, ideally, prevent diseases like cancer. The trouble gets serious when these systems break down. When ...

Wool-like material can remember and change shape

As anyone who has ever straightened their hair knows, water is the enemy. Hair painstakingly straightened by heat will bounce back into curls the minute it touches water. Why? Because hair has shape memory. Its material properties ...

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