A better reference genome for the rhesus macaque

A large team of researchers from the U.S., Italy and Germany has developed a new and improved reference genomic assembly for the rhesus macaque. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes using advanced ...

Slow light speeds up the microscopic world

A team of researchers from the University of St Andrews and the University of York has slowed down the speed of light in a process which could have major applications in fundamental science and medical diagnosis.

Wireless electronic implants stop staph, then dissolve

Researchers at Tufts University, in collaboration with a team at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, have demonstrated a resorbable electronic implant that eliminated bacterial infection in mice by delivering ...

Ecological forces structure your body's personal mix of microbes

(Phys.org) —Environmental conditions have a much stronger influence on the mix of microbes living in various parts of your body than does competition between species. Instead of excluding each other, microbes that fiercely ...

Handwriting examiners in the digital age

People are writing more than ever with their keyboards and phones, but handwritten notes have become rare. Even signatures are going out of style. Most credit card purchases no longer require them, and if they do, you can ...

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