FDA approves drug for cats with allergic skin disease

Cats constantly licking and chewing because of a skin condition called feline allergic dermatitis may benefit from a new generic treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

More cancers may be treated with drugs than previously believed

Up to 50% of cancer-signaling proteins once believed to be immune to drug treatments due to a lack of targetable protein regions may actually be treatable, according to a new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at ...

Polar bear in fatal Alaska attack was in poor health

A polar bear that killed a young mother and her baby last month in western Alaska was likely an older animal in poor physical condition, but tests came back negative for pathogens that affect the brain and cause aggressive ...

Space diversity: Europe's space agency gets 1st parastronaut

The European Space Agency made history Wednesday by selecting an amputee who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident to be among its newest batch of astronauts—a leap toward its pioneering ambition to send someone with a ...

WMO has no immediate plans to name heatwaves

The top priority of the World Meteorological Organization and its Members is to save lives through accurate forecasts and early warnings. A very successful example of this, in recent years, is improvements in Heat-Health ...

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