Related topics: news

How to depolarize political toxicity on social media

While social media is often blamed for exacerbating incivility and partisan polarization, research led by Duke University scholars found that anonymous online conversations using a mobile chat platform they developed can ...

No evidence linking Facebook adoption and negative well-being

The largest independent scientific study ever conducted, investigating the spread of Facebook across the globe found no evidence that the social media platform's worldwide penetration is linked to widespread psychological ...

Paid online reviews can deceive consumers, shows study

New research based on thousands of reviews posted on Amazon shows that when people received free products in exchange for reviews, their ratings were significantly inflated—and product sales were stronger—even though ...

Scientists skeptical of superconductor claims that went viral

A recent claim by South Korean researchers that they have created a material which works as a superconductor at room temperature—long a holy grail of physics—has been met with huge excitement on social media but skepticism ...

Using social media to raise awareness of women's resources

The COVID-19 pandemic created a global increase in domestic violence against women. Now, an MIT-led experiment designed with that fact in mind shows that some forms of social media can increase awareness among women about ...

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