How gangs use social media

The menacing photos that Tevin, a young man affiliated with a Chicago street gang, posted on social media were dramatically different from the 20-year-old whom Stanford sociologist Forrest Stuart got to know during his two ...

Facebook bans UK far-right groups

Social media giant Facebook on Thursday banned various far-right British groups including the English Defence League from its network for promoting hate and violence.

Facebook in fresh controversy over Holocaust denial

Facebook found itself embroiled anew in controversy Thursday after chief executive Mark Zuckerberg argued the leading social network should not filter out posts denying the Holocaust.

Researcher discusses stalking in the age of social media

Whether in person or on the internet, being stalked is a terrifying and isolating experience. Victims may be afraid to report their stalker out of fear of retaliation or be unsure where the dividing line falls between innocent ...

Israel takes on Facebook in battle against incitement

Nine months ago, Dareen Tatour posted a poem to Facebook about her frustration over spiking violence between Israelis and Palestinians. Days later, Israeli police banged on her door in the middle of the night and arrested ...

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