Research reveals influence of media moguls

Individual or family ownership of media outlets is bad for editorial independence, according to new research by an academic at the University of East Anglia.

1.6 billion people on social networks

An estimated 1.61 billion people, more than one in five globally, will log in to social networking sites at least monthly this year, the research firm eMarketer said Tuesday.

Media outlets urged to 'Share Stories' at Facebook

Facebook sought to entice media outlets to post more news stories at the leading social network Monday, helping pinpoint promising pieces—a tactic aimed at combating Twitter.

How politically effective is terrorism?

Why do some militant groups continue to use terrorism when it's politically ineffective, even counterproductive? The answer lies in their leadership deficits, according to Max Abrahms, a terrorism theorist and newly appointed ...

Hack attacks, explained

Computer network hackers calling themselves the Syrian Electronic Army earlier this week disrupted The New York Times' website for nearly a day and electronic publishing on the Twitter social network for several hours. Also ...

Safety first: Reporting food scares

Journalists believe their primary role in food scares is to inform the public of potential health risks, according to Flinders research.

Online advertising in US rises 16 pct in 1Q

New figures show Internet advertising in the U.S. is still growing at a robust clip as marketers pursue the growing online audience and data analysis helps to target their pitches at people most likely to buy their products ...

Yahoo! adds tweets to online news pages

Yahoo! on Thursday began spicing up its online news pages with real-time comments fired off at the globally popular messaging service Twitter.

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