Internet giants race to faster mobile news apps

US tech giants are turning to the news in their competition for mobile users, developing new, faster ways to deliver content, but the benefits for struggling media outlets remain unclear.

When research goes viral

We researchers all wonder whether reaching a broader audience for our academic work is worth the time and effort. Here's a recent experience that may help you decide.

How the global press reports on the 'hactivism' of Anonymous

A study of global media reporting on the activities of the 'hactivist' group Anonymous has revealed that the press generally portrays them as simple pranksters – even though the vast majority of their operations are motivated ...

Snapchat to show content from big media brands

Popular disappearing-message app Snapchat is introducing content from media companies such as Vice, CNN and People to its service as it works to broaden its audience.

Australia to crack down on online pirates

Australia's government Wednesday outlined plans to tackle online piracy as it moves to end the country's position as one of the world's top illegal downloaders of television shows such as "Game of Thrones".

Russia demands Twitter block 'extremist' accounts

Russia's media watchdog on Monday demanded US-based microblogging service Twitter block several "extremist" accounts as the Kremlin continues to tighten its control over the Internet.

How does false information spread online?

Last summer the World Economic Forum (WEF) invited its 1,500 council members to identify top trends facing the world, including what should be done about them. The WEF consists of 80 councils covering a wide range of issues ...

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