Industry and neutron science: Working to make a match

Industrial users are starting to eye the potential of neutron science for solving problems that can't be solved in any other way. At the same time, the Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor neutron science ...

Decreasing the mass of aircraft with polymer composites

Members of the Department of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University have created unique polymer matrices for polymer composites based on novel phthalonitrile monomers. The materials are stronger than metals, which ...

Speeding up artificial intelligence

A group at Politecnico di Milano has developed an electronic circuit able to solve a system of linear equations in a single operation in the timescale of a few tens of nanoseconds. The performance of this new circuit is superior ...

Minerals can be key to healing damaged tissue

Every species, from bacteria to humans, is capable of regeneration. Regeneration is mediated by the molecular processes that regulate gene expression to control tissue renewal, restoration and growth.

Team develops method for neural net computing in water

Microprocessors in smartphones, computers, and data centers process information by manipulating electrons through solid semiconductors, but our brains have a different system. They rely on the manipulation of ions in liquid ...

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