Scientists urge New Zealand to save 'sea hobbit' (Update)

Marine scientists have called on New Zealand immediately to ban fishing in waters inhabited by the world's rarest dolphin, saying that losing just one more of the creatures will threaten the species' existence.

Decoding the oceans (w/ Video)

Marine genomics has the power to reveal the many undiscovered secrets of the oceans. The Oceans are filled with a diversity of life forms. This means that getting a complete picture of marine biodiversity is challenging. ...

Tropical vagrants bigger, stronger survivors

( —Sydney marine researchers are one step further in solving the mystery of how tropical fishes, in response to rising sea temperatures and the impact of climate change, are shifting, and potentially surviving ...

Deep refuges 'can help save our reefs'

( —Marine scientists from Australia and the USA today called for global efforts to protect deeper coral reefs as insurance against the widespread destruction of shallow reefs and their fish stocks now taking place ...

A ray of light thrown on 60-year-old mystery

The unexpected capture of a rare ray found only in a small region off South Australia could help marine scientists validate the existence of the elusive magpie fiddler ray (Trygonorrhina melaleuca).

Putting larval cobia to the acid test

Ocean acidification, which occurs as CO2 is absorbed by the world's oceans, is a source of concern for marine scientists worldwide. Studies on coral, mollusks, and other ocean denizens are helping to paint a picture of what ...

So many fish, one great map

From identifying what's on the end of your fishing line, to finding out which fishes occur in your local waters, FishMap has the answers.

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